GentleWizard’s Cyber Home


My PC Building Experience!

I recently had the opportunity to build my first PC from scratch, and it was quite a learning experience. As a person with limited experience in building computers, I was both excited and nervous. It took me around 4-5 hours to assemble all the parts, and in doing so, I gained valuable knowledge. One of the new things I learned was how to install a CPU. Although I had never done it before, I followed the instructions carefully and managed to do it successfully. However, not everything went smoothly. When I turned on the computer, I encountered an issue… The …
By : DarthVader | Jun 15, 2023

Right-Angle Triangle Solver Part 1

One of the projects I’m working on right now is a Right-Angle Triangle Solver. It’s a program that generates a random right triangle and then calculates its sides and angles. I also plan to add a test mode that quizzes the user on their knowledge of right triangles. It’s a great way to practice math and geometry skills. “A right triangle (American English) or right-angled triangle (British), or more formally an orthogonal triangle, formerly called a rectangled triangle[1] (Ancient Greek: ὀρθόσγωνία, lit. ‘upright angle’), is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle (that is, a 90-degree angle), i.e., in which two sides are perpendicular. The relation between the sides and other angles of the right triangle is …
By : DarthVader | May 31, 2023